新年快樂,歡迎你選擇來到Dr. Li的“課堂”

Course introduction / 課程簡介

In this four-minute video, you will have a basic understanding of the course you about to take. Don't know how to dance, no worries. This is a fun and energetic movement-based course, not dance only. Trust me, you can do it! This course leads you on the journey of Creativity Exploration through Dance and Technology. If you would like to challenge yourself and do something extraordinary, which means out of your comfort zone, you should stay. Otherwise, drop the course and leave/drop the course. Nonetheless, remember, life only gets harder as it goes. 

在這段四分鐘的視頻內,你會對我的課程有一個簡單的瞭解。如果你擔心自己不會跳舞,完全不用緊張。我們只是用身體和一些肢體的動作去表現。相信我,你一定可以。這堂課運用舞蹈與科技帶你走進創意的旅程。如果你想在你求學的旅途上做出一些不同凡響的事情,給自己一些挑戰,我建議你留下。反之亦然。切記這句: 生活只會越來越艱難。

If language is problem, no worry. Cantonese and Mandarin could be spoken to supplement your understanding



課程簡介 Course description: Or copy and paste the link below 或拷貝,粘接下面的視頻連接


Want to know more about me, here is the link: https://youtu.be/jAmV2caGJJM


Looking forward to seeing you in class

P.S. @ student, please wear something (clothes and shoes) that you can move

注意: 舞蹈學生,建議你們穿一些可以做運動的服裝、鞋。


Dr. Michael Z. Li

Faculty of Education, University of Macau