Welcome to the International Economic Law Course-Part II. Part II is offered by Dr.Muruga Perumal Ramaswamy and the lectures are scheduled 12 to 21 February. This Moodle Course will serve as the major online platform to serve various functions including online lectures, online discussion board for student interactions, online distribution of reading and reference materials etc. Students are strongly advised to frequently visit the online platform and take notice of relevant announcements including timing of the live online lectures, update on discussion boards, update on reading materials etc. If you would like to send any communication, please send the message from the course page or email to rmp@umac.mo. 

Brief Introduction to Part II of the Course:

Part II of the International Economic Law aims to focus on international normative order governing four different fields of international economic transactions. This part of the course will address four distinct fields namely International Banking and Financial Law, International Monetary Law, International Fiscal Law and International Trade Law. Due to the limited number of classes available to cover these fields, specific issues and topics of contemporary and historical interest will be chosen for discussion. Additional topics over which students may develop further research interest, could be supported through individual orientation. Each of the topics covered in the lectures will be supported by relevant reading and reference materials, which will be supplemented further through online discussions both during and after the lectures. Student are highly encouraged to be interactive during the lectures and actively partake in subsequent interactions.